Haul Videos / 51 Things Videos
I take my job here at Serial Bus pretty seriously. And when I say seriously I mean I can go days at a time without a new post. That being said, part of my job is to also educate you about what's hip on the internet these days. And here are two videos that I don't so much understand.
1) 51 things in my room. This thing has over 7000 video responses and over 2 million views. It's stupid yet at the same time kinda cool. I get the feeling that everyone that made a video response was like "yeah yeah, ms boxxy lookalike, I see your stuff" and then found themselves making their own little video a few minutes later. It's like Seth Green in Idle Hands except instead of strangling people without being able to control it, you find yourself posting Youtube videos without power to stop yourself.
2) I'll let Brett Elrich educate you on the similar practice of Haul Videos [click on thumbnail below to be taken to video in new window]:
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1) 51 things in my room. This thing has over 7000 video responses and over 2 million views. It's stupid yet at the same time kinda cool. I get the feeling that everyone that made a video response was like "yeah yeah, ms boxxy lookalike, I see your stuff" and then found themselves making their own little video a few minutes later. It's like Seth Green in Idle Hands except instead of strangling people without being able to control it, you find yourself posting Youtube videos without power to stop yourself.
2) I'll let Brett Elrich educate you on the similar practice of Haul Videos [click on thumbnail below to be taken to video in new window]:
[NSFW due to thumbnail?]